Shoppers Rewards Programs
You shop, they donate.
Add CPAAC as a charity to your Fry's VIP card, and whenever you shop at Fry's, CPAAC receives a small donation from Fry's. Here's how:
Select "Sign-In" and log into your account. If you don't already have an account, click "Create an account" and set up an account.
Under "Welcome!" click "Your Name/My Account"
Under "My Account” scroll down to "Community Rewards" and click “Enroll”
Under Find Your Organization: search for the Org number QW674.
Select button next to the organization, then click “Enroll”
Each time you shop at Fry's, use your VIP card (or alternate number) associated with your VIP account.
Important: You must re-enroll in Fry's Community Rewards annually; please set a reminder.